Westville Restaurants - NYC
With sixteen years of success under their belt, it was time for a makeover. After opening their flagship location in 2003, Westville hadn’t revamped or revisited their logo, collateral, design or messaging. With their growing success and the opening of three new locations in various Manhattan neighborhoods, the owners wanted to preserve their brand consistency and “home-cooked meals at my mom’s house” feeling.
Website Redesign
To kick off our new look, we chose a brighter “Westville green” to replace our signature logo and created profiles for each Westville location by pertaining to the things that made that NY neighborhood special or iconic.
To add to our visual upgrade, we ideated a stop-action promotional video that now streams on the new site - a real-life representation of Westville’s mission to be sustainable and truly “farm-to-table”.
A New Grid Meet Our Team
In addition, we took shots of our team in action to introduce them to our customers, making them feel like a true member of the Westville family.
We brought our staff together to take new photos for our social platforms and online menus. With consistency in shots (coloring makes a huge difference!) and wittier captions, we increased brand awareness with foodie bloggers and influencers to
expand our reach digitally. In the first month, we
increased our follower count and traffic to our site by 85%.